Unlike anything I have offered and is available, this meticulously prepared course will show you how to critically assess your Engrosser's Script, how to study exemplars, and how to practice more effectively. I have compiled exemplars of each letter in the alphabet from various masters for us to study one by one and side by side. Instead of teaching you a definitive way to execute a letter, I will be showing you what each penman accomplished and lacked in their script.

Closely analyzing the works of masters (Baird, Lupfer, Norder, Sorber, Zaner, and more), we will identify their errors and learn from them. We will ask: What makes this good? What will make this better? There is no current course that drives this questioning and discussion.

You will learn how I would offer feedback for your work so you can get the results my private students have in your own practice. The reason many calligraphers feel stuck in their progress is not because there aren't enough courses or good exemplars available to study from. It is because we must train our eyes to effectively digest what we see in order to put it into practice. This is the course designed for your practice and the course that I wish I had access to when I began my calligraphy journey. I am thrilled to offer this to you!

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"It's so clear to me that this is a true Master Class. Your comprehensive attention to details when analyzing exemplars and the incisive precision of your explanations are marvelous and maybe even a tad intimidating... It's a fabulous way to train your mind's eye to spot imperfections and to develop precision in your own work. I loved that the videos have no fluff, no throat-clearing; every sentence of Connie's makes a new point or adds a nuance and drives her argument further. What I also liked was her openness to expressing the individuality of your own 'hand' within the boundaries of good convention as long as your are consistent in your style."

[email protected]

"You have opened my eyes. I have learned more from only finishing half of this course than from any course I have taken. Wish I would have had the availability of this course many years ago."

-Glenna Hannum

"Wonderful. I've never thought you could learn so much just with script analysis. I already had a basic knowledge of Engrosser's Script so this was perfect and just what I was looking for. Didn't find nothing like this on any instructional book and I also gone through all teaching materials available on the zanerian.com website."


“I’m more conscious of how I do my strokes and I am more aware of how inconsistent they are. I definitely need much much more focused practice to iron them out.”


“As I listen to your explanation of the “swells” and as I watch through your artistic eye, I see the letters differently. Thank you for the detailed explanations. I am challenged to slow down and practice.”

—Karen Leak

Your Instructor

Master Penman Connie Chen is the youngest Master Penman in the world, and the only one recognized for her skills in Engrosser's Script, Ornamental Penmanship, and Offhand Flourishing by both Senior Master Penman William A. Lilly and Master Penman John DeCollibus.

A current graduate student at Harvard University, Connie apprenticed to Senior Master Penman William A. Lilly, who earned a Gold Seal Certificate at the Zanerian College, the top award given by America's leading school of penmanship and engrossing. With more than 20 years of experience in English and Chinese calligraphy, Connie creates art that transcends the boundaries of geography, culture, and time.

After providing detailed feedback to more than 2,000 students in over 5 years of teaching calligraphy courses online, Connie knows intimately what students struggle with in each script. Her attentiveness to detail and devotion to her students have consistently produced significant progress in their work.