This course is for you if you:
1) ...have never held an oblique holder. You will not need another course on Engrosser's Script to take you to the "next" level.
2) ...have taken multiple courses on "Copperplate," have been following multiple exemplars, no longer know which is right, and need systematic instruction now.
3)...have experience with Engrosser's Script but you are hoping to dive deeper and you aren't sure where to begin.
4)...have experience with other traditional scripts but want to devote time to learn Engrosser's Script.
This 20hr+ course will be your one-stop resource for all things Engrosser's Script that you will come back to time and time again after you finish the course.
How is it possible that this course can speak to students of all levels?
In my experience of teaching over 2,000 students, the hierarchy of beginner-intermediate-advanced is ZERO useful.
There is only ONE reason for any mistake/uncertainty: the lack of a firm understanding of a basic concept.
The way to take your script "further" is not to learn "advanced" concepts but to relearn basic ones and unlearn what you have been doing wrong.
What I work on with "advanced" students is the same as what I teach to "beginner" students.
It is a continuous process of unlearning and relearning.
You are never "too inexperienced" to take a comprehensive course.
You are never "too advanced" for this extensive and comprehensive course that is also "beginner-friendly."
This course will address the issues I have watched students face repeatedly in their script--regardless of their experience.
If you have taken courses with me, you know this: I never spoon-feed you. I teach you how to catch the fish.
I will not be enforcing how I write Engrosser's Script upon you.
I'm not that important.
Neither are the big names: Lupfer, Zaner, Baird... 😱 (yes I mean it).
What's important then?
Who YOU are and who YOU will become on paper.
My courses teach you how to think, critique, and analyze their work so
you can write like YOU.
I will take you through 8-10+ exemplars of each single letter meticulously--all executed by masters whose work we have come to admire and analyze:
1) what we can learn from their strengths and weaknesses,
2) the relationship between letterforms,
3) how to take elements and develop your own style while keeping consistency,
4) what kind of trouble/mistakes you will most likely come across in your practice and the ways to reframe and troubleshoot your practice.
I will never use one example to justify that a letter MUST be written this way.
I will compare, for example, what Zaner wrote casually vs. the kind of work he created for reproduction so you can see where he wanted to take his work and consequently, where you can take yours.
I am not interested in training students to continue worshipping the grounds previous penmen walked upon.
I am not interested in recreating the Golden Age of Penmanship.
I AM interested in helping you develop a critical eye so you can find YOUR voice as an artist in our time NOW.
It is impossible to find your voice if I need you to satisfy my ego and write it MY way.
It is inevitable that you WILL develop your voice if you learn to question and consider what is on paper--detached from the established rank/hierarchy of calligraphers who executed them.
You will learn how to practice effectively.
Too many students I know spend hours after hours practicing and yielding little to no results. After providing detailed feedback to so many students' homework over the years, I know exactly what the common mistakes are.
I make it a priority to practice these mistakes (yes you read that correctly) over the years so:
1) I can execute them for you, and
2) I know exactly how it feels to create that error and what to say to help you avoid it.
I will execute them for you so you can recognize them in your practice, and show you the actionable steps to correct them. I will guide you step-by-step through how to practice when you sit down with your pen and ink. You will find practice time rewarding in a way that you may not have experienced before.
Expect to spend 4-5hrs watching and rewatching for every 15 minutes of instruction:
No, not necessarily in one sitting. But it is THAT packed with information. No throat clearing. No elaborate explanations that isn't directly applicable to your practice. There is TWICE as much information here than what I packed into a 2-day 12hr-workshop. If you are skeptical about what you can learn from another online calligraphy course, I am confident that I can change your mind.
Expect to learn arm movement:
One of the biggest challenges for students who begin learning calligraphy through shaded script is developing or reinforcing an already-heavy hand.
It is not conventional to teach arm movement for Engrosser's Script.
But I am never one to follow conventions.
I find arm movement essential for students to develop a light touch, create delicate work, and actually enjoy flourishing.
Don't let anyone convince you that it is reserved for the experienced/elite. If you already know how to stir a bowl of soup, you already know arm movement.
Expect to flourish Engrosser's Script!
In addition to the principles, capitals, lowercases, numbers, spacing, and layout, you will learn to identify the opportunities to flourish Engrosser's Script. No, this cannot replace my Text Flourishing Online Course but you will establish a solid foundation that will allow you to harmonize your flourishes with your letters. If you already flourish, this course will change your understanding of what is possible when you have a solid foundation in the script itself.
You will have unlimited access to the course as long as I teach it:
This implies years of access, not "months." You will be able to practice at your own pace and revisit the course whenever you need to.
You will have access to my private facebook group exclusive to my students. You can ask questions, seek constructive criticism, and engage with me and your fellow classmates.
Learn it right once and for all.
See results once and for all.
You are worthy of the script you desire.
Course Curriculum
- Part 1: Zaner (7:38)
- Part 2: Lupfer, Zanerian (5:52)
- Part 3: C. W. Jones, Baird, Anon (7:19)
- Part 4: Zaner, Lupfer, Madarasz (8:45)
- Part 5: Practice Guideline 1 (8:22)
- Part 6: Norder, Sorber, C. W. Jones, Zanerian (4:42)
- Part 7: Baird, Goshert, Howe, Anon (6:09)
- Part 8: Baird, Zanerian (5:45)
- Part 9: Practice Guideline 2 (2:57)
- Part 1: Introduction to Ascender Loops I (5:46)
- Part 2: Introduction to Ascender Loops II (5:02)
- Part 3: {b} Zanerian, Lupfer, Anon, C. R. Tate, Zaner, Baird (11:50)
- Part 4: {l} Lupfer, Norder, Anon, Howe, Goshert, Madarasz (6:55)
- Part 5: {l} Zanerian, Zaner, Baird, Anon (13:20)
- Part 6: {b & l} Practice Guideline (11:16)
- Capital V Part 1 (4:30)
- Capital V Part 2 (10:09)
- Capital V Practice Guideline (8:09)
- Capital W Part 1: Howe, Norder (5:20)
- Capital W Part 2: Baird, Zaner, New Zanerian (9:56)
- Capital W Practice Guideline (11:43)
- Capital H Part 1: Howe, Zaner (8:23)
- Capital H Part 2: Baird, Goshert, New Zanerian (5:29)
- Capital H Practice Guideline (12:51)
- Capital K Part 1: Howe, Zaner, Lupfer (8:24)
- Capital K Part 2: Anon, New Zanerian, Baird (4:20)
- Capital K Practice Guideline (7:57)
- Capital O Part 1: Lupfer, Howe (9:48)
- Capital O Part 2: Zaner, Baird, Anon, New Zanerian (11:18)
- Capital O Part 3: Practice Guideline (9:47)
- Capital C Part 1: Introduction, Lupfer, Zaner, Howe (9:50)
- Capital C Part 2: Zaner, Norder, Anon, Baird, New Zanerian (9:14)
- Capital C Part 3: Practice Guideline (6:15)
- Capital E Part 1: Introduction, Lupfer (8:00)
- Capital E Part 2: Lupfer, Howe (7:28)
- Capital E Part 3: Zaner (9:11)
- Capital E Part 4: Norder, Baird, New Zanerian (6:59)
- Capital E Part 5: Practice Guideline (23:04)
- Capital X Part 1: Lupfer, Baird, Zaner (7:42)
- Capital X Part 2: Anon, Howe, New Zanerian (5:32)
- Capital X Part 3: Practice Guideline (8:02)
- Capital Q Part 1: Lupfer, Baird, Zaner, Anon, New Zanerian (9:40)
- Capital Q Part 2 (O with crossing): Howe (2:28)
- Capital Q Part 3: Practice Guideline (5:17)
- Capital U Part 1: Lupfer, Baird, Zaner (7:05)
- Capital U Part 2: Zaner, Anon, Howe, New Zanerian (5:35)
- Capital U Part 3: Practice Guideline (6:16)
- Capital Y Part 1: Lupfer, Baird, Zaner, Anon, Howe, Goshert, New Zanerian (10:09)
- Capital Y Part 2: Practice Guideline (8:22)
Q: What is the difference between this course and Refining Script / Advanced Engrosser's Script?
A: Refining Script is a course designed for students specifically seeking help to move forward from their plateau. It is a course that focuses entirely on the skills you need to critique and analyze your work.
Advanced Engrosser's Script is a course based on the flourished script of my mentor, Senior Master Penman William Lilly and incorporates layout specifically for that script style. This comprehensive course is in line with my most popular Spencerian Structures course, which will become a permanent resource you will rely on for all things Engrosser's Script.
Q: How is your course different from others on the market?
A: You will not find another course that places such a heavy emphasis of cultivating your artistic eye. I am a scholar by trade and I deeply believe that fruitful learning is never about forcing my opinion on you but by showing you different schools of thought without judgment and giving you the tools and freedom to filter and decide what you keep.
You also will not find another teacher who has graded so much student work and knows the mistakes and road blocks you will encounter so intimately. All of the ways you may err, and the tried and true ways of fixing them are all incorporated into the instructions--even if you do not choose the feedback option. I developed this course to teach you everything other courses don't cover AND more because I am confident that what I know can serve you in your practice.
Q: What kind of teaching style should I expect?
A: I know my worth. So you will not find me talking around the subject to drag on time and seem sophisticated. If I think I can deliver a concept to you in 2 minutes, I will spend 30 minutes if I have to do it in 50 seconds. I'm here to serve YOU with no-BS. Every decision I make is geared towards helping you create the quality of work I know you can create.
I am deeply aware of the mind drama that happens when you are a student. I take your fear of failure seriously and am committed to helping you practice from a place of possibility instead of fear.
Q: If I follow a book, maybe I can figure it out on my own?
A: Students don't choose to learn from me because they lack the ability to figure things out on their own. Students learn from me because they are wise enough to realize that a teacher's role is to increase the depth and breadth of what is possible for you to figure out.
It will save you time and money to take advantage of my knowledge and expertise.
Q: I have more questions, how do I reach out?
A: Feel free to get in touch via email at [email protected]
Your Instructor
Master Penman Connie Chen is the youngest Master Penman in the world, and the only one recognized for her skills in Engrosser's Script, Ornamental Penmanship, and Offhand Flourishing by both Senior Master Penman William A. Lilly and Master Penman John DeCollibus.
A current graduate student at Harvard University, Connie apprenticed to Senior Master Penman William A. Lilly, who earned a Gold Seal Certificate at the Zanerian College, the top award given by America's leading school of penmanship and engrossing. With more than 20 years of experience in English and Chinese calligraphy, Connie creates art that transcends the boundaries of geography, culture, and time.
After providing detailed feedback to more than 2,000 students in over 5 years of teaching calligraphy courses online, Connie knows intimately what students struggle with in each script. Her attentiveness to detail and devotion to her students have consistently produced significant progress in their work.